Gesture Recognition – The Latest From The Sponsors Of Tomorrow
Oh, what I would give to have this ability at times. Here’s our new ad spot, just released this week…
Oh, what I would give to have this ability at times. Here’s our new ad spot, just released this week…
If you’re in media or digital marketing, you know that the hottest platform of 2010 is the mobile device. From a direct advertising and marketing approach, what better way to interact with your customer – on a device that is always with them and almost always ‘on’. We are just beginning to roll out a very robust mobile strategy here @ Intel and one of the first programs happens to be a fun way to send a message to your friends and family – from your mobile device – specifically, the iPhone.
Intel is giving iPhone users the opportunity to bring postcards back from the days of gift shops and stamps with a digital twist. “Postcards From The Future” allows iPhone users to send fun and interactive digital postcards to their friends near and far via social media sites like Facebook and Twitter or by email. We’ve had a very successful first few days on the iTunes App Store – ranking in the top 50 of free applications and in the top 15 of free entertainment specific apps. If you’re an iPhone user – give it a try – we’d love your feedback!
I’m in Chicago this week with our media agency and we’ve talked a lot about our Sponsors of Tomorrow Campaign spots. Here’s one of my favorites…
I was reminded last night of our Sponsors of Tomorrow launch components by a fellow Intel’r. Sometimes I forget that there are innovative things we can do outside of executions solely on the Internet (that’s my area of expertise, so pardon me for being a bit biased). My partner in crime in U.S. Media, Thom Campbell, did a great job with our agency – OMD – to create an experience using out of home media to get users to engage with our new campaign. Thom and OMD did this by creating ‘interactive storefronts’ where passers by were asked to text in their ‘View on Tomorrow’ and have that text displayed on the 3-D LCD in the storefront window display. The cool thing? Their text not only showed up on that display, but also similar displays in Chicago, New York (including all the boards in Times Square), Miami, Boston, San Francisco and L.A, as well as our Sponsors of Tomorrow website. Hat tip to a brilliant OOH campaign.
Our commitment at Intel is to build cross platform social campaigns – using all mediums available to us, including print, broadcast, and out of home vehicles. We’ve started already with the launch of our new campaign ‘Sponsors of Tomorrow‘ by bridging our out of home placements with our web presence (we took over the Times Square Nasdaq and Reuters boards with the a request to text in your view of ‘Tomorrow’ that is then displayed on our website). In addition, we have a very active social stream through Twitter, YouTube, and our Consumer Blog. Starbucks has done something similar in their new campaign – leveraging offline media to bolster online communities.
It’s well known that Starbucks does not embrace traditional advertising. For this effort, they’ve strayed from that tenant by placing large format posters in 6 major cities across the U.S – taking their campaign off line and to the streets. However, true to their commitment to social media and their community (see yesterday’s post), they’ve also integrated social sites and tools like Twitter (183k followers), Facebook (1.5M fans), YouTube, and Flickr – counting on their active community to extend the campaign message through earned media.
From today’s NY Times: Chris Bruzzo, vice president for brand, content and online at Starbucks said Starbucks’ social media presence gave it an advantage over competitors with gigantic ad budgets because its fans wanted to talk about it online. “It’s the difference between launching with many millions of dollars versus millions of fans.”
Well done Starbucks – you’ve recognized the correlation between paid and earned media. I’ll watch your new campaign with interest….
It’s launch day in the U.S. for our new advertising campaign. You all got a sneak peek last week, but today we pull the curtain back and show you all of the great executions we’ve put in place to support our efforts. Credit to a crack team @ OMD for helping us build a spectacular media plan, including targeting several ‘first mover opportunities’ that will help you get to know our ‘Rockstars‘.
Never before has the New York Times allowed a complete overlay of their homepage. We did that today with the image you see to the left of this post. In addition a contingent of engineering, marketing, and sales folks were on hand at the opening of the NASDAQ this morning to kick off the new week in the market. Rather than ringing the bell to initiate the opening of the market, our group harmonized the Intel ‘bong‘ to commence trading – a first ever for the NASDAQ. To complete the New York experience, we’ve given you the opportunity to share your vision of ‘Tomorrow’ to the world by sending (click on ‘You on Tomorrow @ the bottom of the page) your thoughts to the NASDAQ and Reuters boards in Times Square. If you’re not in the Big Apple today, please check out the dualing Times Square webcams.
The Sponsors of Tomorrow campaign is scheduled to be the cornerstone of our advertising for the foreseeable future. We’ll be broadcasting our Rockstar and Oops spots on the major networks and across cable starting this week. We’re hoping you’ll have as much fun with this campaign as we plan to.
Today we (Intel – the company that supports my social media habit) did a ‘pre-release‘ of sorts for our new Sponsors of Tomorrow Advertising Campaign, officially launching on May 11th. It’s the first advertising campaign that focus on our brand vs. a product or product line. The first news hit at the end of the day in the New York Times, and has quickly taken off on the social web as the print and video advertisements get distributed digitally through multiple channels. As an Intel employee – I’m excited by the technology we are building and am looking forward to being a part of the innovations of the future. Here’s a sneak peek at our upcoming TV spot.