
Archive for September, 2010

How Our Social Participation Varies – Active to Passive

September 30th, 2010

What Are The Tech MegaTrends?

September 15th, 2010

One person’s perspective: via Tech Crunch as blogged by James Gross.  I think this is pretty spot on, although I might rename to merely ‘Social’ MegaTrends.  Tech is too expansive in my opinion.

Social Marketing , , ,

What’s Your City’s Social Rank?

September 15th, 2010

Interesting infograph from Oxford Communications.  Personally, I think Portland is more social than we’re given credit for…

Social Media ,

Social Marketing Compass – Infograph

September 10th, 2010

Comparing The Top Location Based Social Networks

September 8th, 2010

Mark Fidelman does a great, concise synopsis of how each of these LB Social Networks stacks up against the competition.  Will be interesting to see the ramp of Facebook Places – especially when it figures out it’s game/rewards mechanics.

Location Based Marketing , ,

The Future Of TV – In The Palm Of Your Hand

September 7th, 2010

We’re seeing more and more instances of ‘TV on the go’ – everything from streaming your NetFlix queue through your mobile device, to downloading your favorite TV shows through iTunes (which just got a LOT cheaper) to live TV via dedicated devices.  Flo TV is one of the first to come through on the last example, but also has the cross over to your smart phone as well. With the opening of College Football season this weekend, they made a large commercial push through Saturday’s games.  I’m biased, but I thought this was a great ad.  Go Ducks!

Mobile Marketing, Video ,