Evian exploits the ‘Babies are good hucksters‘ mantra in their newest ad spot. I’d like to see a head to head battle between the Evian Babies and the E*TRADE pitchman…although that could get a little creepy. Hat tip to Evian – pretty creative and memorable spot.
This type of competition can only mean good things for us, the customer. In what seems like a recent flurry of activity, we are seeing the major players in the streaming video marketplace positioning themselves for what is turning into a good fight for eyes on their content. Alliances are forming quickly this year, with Disney/Hulu and Blockbuster/TiVo leading the news near the end of March and YouTube/Sony and Netflix/MTV both releasing their big news in early April. We, as consumers of this content, have more and more options moving forward when choosing what to watch, and how to watch it. Will this impact people subscribing to cable or satellite programming? I think so…and so does the New York greater metropolitan area.
I’ll give it to E*TRADE – their commercials are consistently funny and get me to pay attention. So much so that I will stop fast forwarding my DVR just to watch what that crazy baby is going to say next. They’ve found an effective ad campaign and are sticking with it – which is refreshing. Too many brands are changing their campaigns too frequently, which kills their brand recall. E*TRADE gets it and they’ve fully embraced the talking baby as their hook. Everyone loves babies…and talking babies are funny! “Why don’t you try reading the rules… shankapotomus.”