E*TRADE: Making advertising fun, and memorable
March 26th, 2009
I’ll give it to E*TRADE – their commercials are consistently funny and get me to pay attention. So much so that I will stop fast forwarding my DVR just to watch what that crazy baby is going to say next. They’ve found an effective ad campaign and are sticking with it – which is refreshing. Too many brands are changing their campaigns too frequently, which kills their brand recall. E*TRADE gets it and they’ve fully embraced the talking baby as their hook. Everyone loves babies…and talking babies are funny! “Why don’t you try reading the rules… shankapotomus.”
W uzupełnieniu do powyższej informacji o zncimaah należy dodać oficjalnie, że firma 2×3 zrezygnowała z posługiwania się działf3w: Education Boards/Tablice Szkolne, AV Solutions, Signum System oraz Marketing Display..Pozostają loga marek: StarBoard (niezmienione) oraz ecoBoards (zmienione jw.).Pliki graficzne do pobrania na .I ostatnia informacja dot. organizacji produktf3w:Dział Signum System został wcielony do działu Marketing Display.