
Archive for October, 2009

The Daily 50 Most Tweeted Brands – Intel Makes The List

October 30th, 2009 lists out the daily Top 50 Brands in the Twitterverse.  Intel makes the list…today.  I’d like to see us maintain our place and gain momentum.

Intel, Twitter ,

Pandora Gets More Social

October 28th, 2009

We (Intel) have done some great executions with Pandora this year.  What I admire most about them is their willingness to innovate, and tailor programs for a client like me. 

Today the service just got better, in my opinion.  I am a heavy user of Pandora and find myself discovering new songs that I bookmark, but always seem to forget to share.  Now, with the capability to share through Twitter, Facebook, and ‘Give the Gift’ of Music – users are able to provide those in their network a real-time ‘listen in’ to what they are playing on Pandora.  From Tom Conrad, Pandora CTO:

 It’s sort of our version of making a mix tape for someone” (courtesy: TechCrunch)

I used to make mix-tapes all the time growing up…now I have a new way to share my favorites.  Well played Tom, Tim, and the rest of the Pandora crew.

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Where Do You Seek Information Online?

October 27th, 2009

According to Nielsen: Search Engines and Portals still dominate, but we’re seeing the Social Web quickly move past sites that act as publishers for dedicated information (ie CNET, as seen in the chart below).  From my vantage point, this trend only continues…with the Social Web also eating into Search and Portal share of audience.

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Social Media Count – Since You’ve Been Here

October 26th, 2009

This is getting a lot of activity on the Social Web this week – an interesting view of the Social Media activities that are happening during the time you are on this site, looking at this post.

Social Media

Mobile Advertising Measurement

October 23rd, 2009

GigaOm released an interesting article about 6 weeks back regarding the most important metrics to track in Mobile Advertising efforts.  Considering that Gartner has forecasted that Mobile Advertising will grow a staggering 74% in 2009 – measurement of that activity is paramount.  The industry is moving away from CPC and CPM as the standard measure of media effectiveness – while they are still somewhat relevant, it doesn’t accurately represent how ‘engaged’ a user is on the mobile platform.  The important metrics are:

  • Reach
  • Targeting
  • Engagement
  • Viral
  • Transactions

For the full explanation on why those are the metrics to focus on, I encourage you to read the full article.  What struck me as a key statement was the following quote:

We don’t want to just capture the “moment of first sight” but the “duration of sight” and how the user interacts within that duration with both the individual ad and the overall campaign. In order to differentiate and be effective, mobile has to measure and report on how users are engaging with the campaign, from first impression to the last so-called “moment of sight.” It should take into account the time spent during the visit as well as the actions and reactions.

From my perspective this holds true not just for mobile, but for every advertising effort in your media mix.

Advertising, Mobile Marketing ,

Bloggers Talk Brands Online

October 22nd, 2009

via Technorati’s ‘State of the Blogosphere 2009‘.

When it comes to brands, 70% of bloggers are talking about them. 46% of respondents post about the brands they love (or hate), while and 38% post brand or product reviews. Part-Timers, and Self-Employed bloggers are talking about brands at a much higher rate (80%), with one in three posting reviews at least once a week.” (courtesy: Technorati)

Moral:  There are conversations going on about your brand, even when you’re not present in the discussion. 

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Twitter: A Year Older But Trending Younger

October 21st, 2009

The inevitable has happened.  There has been a youth uprising on Twitter, with new data showing that over the last year the largest growing age group on the micro-blogging service is the 18-24 y/o demo (37% gain year over year), with the 25-34 y/o demo following closely (31% growth in the same time period).  While the media age (31) has remained stable it is clear that our youth, once hesitant about the transparency of broadcasting their every move in 140 characters, has shed their trepidation and are swarming to Twitter like never before.  Very different data than we saw just two short months ago.

Internet users age 18-44 report rapid uptake of Twitter over the last nine months, whereas internet users ages 45 and older report slower adoption rates. For example, 37% of internet users age 18-24 use Twitter or another service, up from 19% in December 2008.” (credit: Pew Internet)

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The Mobile Web – Not Quite Ready For Prime Time

October 20th, 2009

While Web consumption on mobile devices is going up, the satisfaction with the experience is still far from acceptable.  According to a research study by Gomez Inc, the largest shortfall centers around load times of the sites that mobile users are expecting to render quickly.  The wait ‘tolerance’ of those surveyed was 6-10 seconds.  Generous, in my opinion, as I tend to be less patient than the average consumer.  Following a close second to load times in customer dissatisfaction was the actual experience with the site when it did load.  Poor performance on both fronts often prove to be fatal to a site and the consumer’s brand perception of that site, as outlined by this quote from the Gomez study:

The majority of mobile web users would be less likely to visit a mobile website again if they had a bad experience, and two out of five would visit a competative site instead.  More than half of mobile web users are unlikely to return to a website that they had trouble accessing it from their phone, and more than two-thirds are unlikely to recommend the site.

As consumers continue to lead a more ‘connected’ lifestyle, the reliance on mobile devices for delivering content and performing computing tasks will continue to rise – as will the consumer’s expectations of the experience delivered to them on that device.



Mobile Marketing

A Twitter Strategy For Large Companies

October 19th, 2009

via Ogilvy and IBM Marketing.  From my vantage point, we have a very similar approach at Intel.



Fast Company Interviews 3 Intel Rockstars

October 16th, 2009

Intel Executive ‘Rockstars’ have made the cover of this month’s edition of Fast Company, and the magazine has taken an in-depth look at how the company that pays my wage has transformed itself during one of the worst economic times of our generation.  Of course, I am biased, but this is an article that’s worth the read.  My favorite line harkens back to the days of Andy Grove:

It was former Intel CEO Andy Grove — decidedly not quiet when angry — who was famous for his “silver-bullet test”: If you had only one bullet left for your competitors, which one would you shoot?

We’re beyond the ‘silver-bullet test’ in my opinion – focusing on flawless execution and amazing technology rather than chambering that bullet.

Intel, Uncategorized , , ,