My top 10 reads for the week. This is a SMALL sampling of what I come across in my weekly media consumption addiction. If you’d like to be on my email list, please email me and I will add you.
World’s Most Reputable Companies – Intel #10 – Forbes
Apps are a must-have element to brands’ overall marketing strategy – Mobile Marketer
Huge Gap Remains Between Mainstream Media and the Social Web – Mashable
Twitter power: Learning from ourselves, in real time – USA Today
I missed this great infograph a couple of months ago put out by Mashable’s Muhammad Saleem. As you can see from previous posts over the last couple of weeks, I am a fan of visual representation of data. This one does a great job of laying out what the Facebook landscape usage looks like (at least what it looked like a few months ago). I wonder if the privacy issues over the last several weeks have changed people’s behavior pattern on Zuckerberg’s social platform? I’d bet yes – but you tell me – leave a comment if you’ve changed your usage due to privacy issues. My usage is painfully average in some ways, but well beyond average in other ways. Personally – I find myself using Facebook to keep in touch with my friends, gather info, and sending good wishes to people on my friends list around celebratory life events. I don’t typically join groups – a very selective few, and ‘fan’ very few pages. What I do is mostly comment, ‘like’ and share interesting articles that I’ve come across.
We’re on a roll here lately at Intel. We’ve launched a stunning new Core Processor Family, we’ve done a great job of continuing to build our brand through media executions like the Super Bowl and March Madness, and we’ve been recognized for our leadership in innovation by Business Week, Fast Company as well as showing leadership among the most admired companies in the world. Today, Forbes recognized us for being in the top ten most reputable companies. It feels great to work for a company that is so widely recognized for Innovation, Reputation, and Quality. One subnote, Forbes should probably take a look at our site to ensure that they have our official logo – that ‘dropped e’ hasn’t been around for quite some time!
My top 10 reads for the week. This is a SMALL sampling of what I come across in my weekly media consumption addiction. If you’d like to be on my email list, please email me and I will add you.
I’m a HUGE NBA fan… and even bigger when my beloved Boston Celtics are involved this late into the post season. I take every opportunity to poke my friend and social sparring partner, Michael Brito, who moved on from Intel (Boo!) and joined Edelman not long ago. He’s also an unabashed Laker fan so the poking is warranted. We’ve been going back and forth over Twitter over the last couple of weeks as our favorite teams navigate their way through the playoffs. Had I known about Nike Basketball’s Post Season Twitter page, I would have channeled my energy there in an effort to disparage more Laker fans in one fell swoop! Nice execution – bringing people’s passions for sport to a socially relevant medium. Hats of to Stamen Design – I worked with them a number of years ago for our Digg Arc visualization – glad they are continuing to innovate.
I’m not sure if this graphic actually even deserves an explanation. Confusing? Yes. Do I have time to put my privacy filters through a fine toothed comb? No. From today’s New York Times:
“Facebook users who hope to make their personal information private should be prepared to spend a lot of time pressing a lot of buttons. To opt out of full disclosure of most information, it is necessary to click through more than 50 privacy buttons, which then require choosing among a total of more than 170 options.”
One word: Ridiculous. In my opinion – Facebook is counting on the vast majority of it’s users being overwhelmed to the point where they don’t even bother to review or refine their privacy settings, and exposing themselves to intrusions that are not welcome and, in some cases, dangerous.
As you can see from the graph above, Facebook users 18-34 continue to be excited and enamored with the Social Networking site and it’s ability to integrate into every aspect of their life. 35+, not so much, with the ‘buzz’ score in that age demo flat-lining and, effectively, declining over the last several weeks. I think part of that can be attributed to a significant amount of angst around Facebook’s clear lack of regard for privacy of it’s users (as denoted in a comprehensive infograph of the evolution of privacy on Facebook since it’s inception in 2005).
It’s apparent that we are in an age where people are more apt to share the details of their lives with their friends and their extended social network. What’s also apparent is that the level of comfort to do so clearly falls in an age group that is, ahem, younger than me. I guess I am an outlier in some regards as the propensity to share is a natural extension of my job. What is interesting, is that while the younger generation is more willing to share daily habits, escapades, and activities, they are also more diligent in ‘scrubbing’ their tracks when information they don’t want to appear makes itself present in their social timeline. As reported in today New York Times:
“In a new study to be released this month, the Pew Internet Project has found that people in their 20s exert more control over their digital reputations than older adults, more vigorously deleting unwanted posts and limiting information about themselves.“
My take? Careful what you post – words, pictures, information – as it’s always available and very hard to remove.
My top 10 reads for the week. This is a SMALL sampling of what I come across in my weekly media consumption addiction. If you’d like to be on my email list, please email me and I will add you.
Audiences, and Hollywood, Flock to Smartphones – NYTimes
Why Long-Form Ads Are the Wave of the Future – AdAge
HOW TO: Cultivate Your Brand’s Super Users – Mashable
How Businesses are Utilizing Foursquare – Flowtown
Intel: Phones with 10-day battery life here by end of year – Pocket-lint
I happen to work for a Fortune 100 company (Intel) and I would say that the following infograph is a fairly accurate representation of most companies with regards to their Social Media participation. I think Intel is a bit different and we’ve been recognized as an early (and often) adopter of Social Media within our marketing and media campaign efforts. The graphic below is a small snippet of the full infograph – click for expanded version.
Apparently Yahoo is now ‘You’. Wait, wasn’t it just last year where they were claiming that the Internet was ‘Y!ours’? Well – at least they’re spending less on bad advertising – down from their $100M investment last year. Decide for yourself – do you want Yahoo to be ‘You’? I don’t.