I’m a huge football fan – College (Go Ducks!) and NFL…although I watch them very differently. I Love My Ducks, and I love NFL Fantasy Football…. I run a league with 9 great friends and every year we have a good time harassing each other on draft night over our respective picks. This new commercial from the NFL Network pretty much sums up our collective reactions when someone ‘steals’ a player we were targeting. Draft night is this Friday…. I’m Ready For Some Football!
I’m a big fan of Infographs – I think they’re a wonderful way to visually tell a story that might otherwise bore you with reams of text… This is one of the better ones I’ve seen in a while…
This past week the Discovery Channel premiered their new show, Curiosity, that we are helping sponsor. As part of that sponsorship we debuted some of our new creative for our on-air spots. The segment below features our resident Anthropologist, Genevieve Bell, and focuses in on what makes her curious – a tall order for someone that spends her days envisioning the future of technology. Genevieve was included in Fast Company’s list of 2010’s 100 most creative people in business, 2010.
Leave it to College Humor to take the E*Trade Baby to a whole new level. Fitting when you consider yesterday’s precipitous drop in the Market (Dow down 512). Wonder how long this one will stay online.