
Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’

How younger, more nimble companies threaten the more established

March 4th, 2009


It’s an occurence we see almost every year.  A company that is small, nimble, and revolutionary can take on the ‘old’ guard and turn it on its head.  While I would hardly consider Google part of the ‘old’ guard, it does appear to be starting to take on the characteristics the larger ship that becomes harder to steer as it takes on passengers.  At first, GOOG’s premise was simple – they did ‘search’ better than anyone.  They still do, for now, but they also have sprouted many branches from the original tree.  This leaves their core discipline exposed to companies that are more nimble and more wholey focused on one objective.  Chris O’Brien spells out the story here.  I love this quote in the article…it’s so true: “Typically, when such goliaths are slain, it’s because they failed to recognize the threat and make the necessary changes until it was too late.

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Twitter – value to your business?

February 26th, 2009

It’s no secret that Twitter use has exploded…it’s not just the social media mavens that are mad ‘tweeters’, but the mainstream is using it to stay in touch with friends far and near – most of which they’ve never met.  Athletes like Lance Armstrong, Shaquille O’Neal, and Shaun White are very active – with Lance having one of the largest group of ‘Followers’ on Twitter.  The biggest growth rate I am seeing?  Business usage.  Great article in Advertising Age about How Social Media Tools Can Complement What You Do.

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Can your personal brand compliment your company’s Web 2.0 initiatives?

February 24th, 2009
Scott Monty of Ford

Scott Monty of Ford

David Armano (author of the Logic + Emotion blog) writes an article for Advertising Age that addresses the blurry lines between where a personal online brand ends and where the company’s brand they work for begins.  Scott Monty of Ford has taken some criticism lately for those blurry lines.  Done properly, I think it can be very effective.  Done incorrectly – it puts your credibility and the image of the brand you represent at risk.

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Twittering Celebrities Take Fans Backstage in Their Lives

February 23rd, 2009

 Ashton Kutcher Twittering his Oscar winIn addition to being a staple for rapid-fire communication among technophiles and a networking tool for tech-savvy companies, Twitter is swiftly being adopted by celebrities who see it as a way to give the public a controlled peephole into their otherwise highly private lives.  Clipped from the NY Times.  Full article hereAnd you thought Twitter was only for the true Internet mavens….

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