Home > Video > Immersive Advertising – Honda lets it’s Insight shine

Immersive Advertising – Honda lets it’s Insight shine

April 29th, 2009

Advertising in this day and age needs to be innovative and unique to make the consumer stand up and take notice.  Honda, working with Weiden+Kennedy(a creative agency based in my hometown of Portland, Oregon) has done this with their new Honda Insight “Let It Shine” ad campaign.  They took a very innovative spot that was originally released on TV and ported it to Vimeo for an extended, and unique viewing experience.  It’s the first instantiation of a rich media, HD, page takeover experience that I have seen.  Not only is the ad spot unique – but the presentation on Vimeo transcends what I was originally expecting.  This innovative approach for drawing the viewer in made me take notice and remember the brand, as well as the agency.  Well done W+K.  I’ve embedded the video in this post.  If you want a better experience, view it on vimeo.com and see the making of the spot on their site as well.

Honda Insight – Let It Shine from Honda on Vimeo.

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