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Facebook profiles on TV commercials – a new trend?

April 2nd, 2009

I’ll admit – I fast forward commercials when watching programs I’ve DVR’d.  Very few catch my attention.  One did last night – Vitamin Water.  I’ve seen plenty of 30 second spots in the last year that offer up a web address at the end.  I’ve never seen one that showed the address of their Facebook profile page – until yesterday.  Well done Vitamin Water.  I did some digging online and found this post “VitaminWater Launches Primetime Facebook Promotion” on All Facebook.  I think we’re going to be seeing this more and more. 

*Sidenote, the author of All Facebook is clearly not a basketball fan as he is assuming that Steve Nash (or on Twitter) is the founder of Vitamin Water.

The VitaminWater page currently includes a number of videos about Steve Nash (who I’m guessing is the founder)….”  Ahem, not so much…. Apparently he didn’t recognize Kobe, LeBron, or CP3 either…


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  1. Jmatt
    April 2nd, 2009 at 15:54 | #1

    This TOTALLY got my attention… Both as a marketer and as a consumer of tasty beverages that may/may not make me smarter, more alert, healthier, etc.. Thought to myself “huh, someone at Vitamin Water (coke) get’s what I’m up to every day.”

    Side note.. very smart deal on 50 Cent part a few years back!

  1. September 8th, 2009 at 14:52 | #1