Weekly Wrap Up – 7.9.10
My top 10 reads for the week. This is a SMALL sampling of what I come across in my weekly media consumption addiction. If you’d like to be on my email list, please email me and I will add you.
Foursquare Launches Location Layers – ReadWriteWeb article
How Social Media Has Radically Altered Advertising – Mashable article
For Those Facebook Left Behind – David Pogue in NYTimes
In Social Networks, One-Third of Consumers Talk Brands Every Week – BrianSolis.com article
Do you know who the mayor of your business is? – The Brand Builder article
Clay Shirky on the death of newspapers, why paywall will fail & how the internet brings out creativity – UK Guardian article
Reading in a Whole New Way – Smithsonian article
Facebook Makes Headway Around the World – NYTimes article
Andy Grove: How America Can Create Jobs – Business Week article
Foursquare Is Five Times Larger Than Gowalla And Growing 75 Percent Faster Every Day – TechCrunch article