Twitter Growth Slows, Users More Engaged
According to HubSpot’s recent report ‘State of the Twittersphere‘ Twitter growth has slowed from a high of 13% in March of 2009, to a low of 3.5% in October of 2009.
The upside…the Twitter population is more engaged – with the average user following more people, being followed by more people, and posting more updates than ever before. In addition – those same users are providing more information about themselves consistently – such as location and web address links in their Twitter profile. Here are some additonal key characteristics of the Twittersphere, pulled directly from the report:
• 82% of Twitter users have less than 100 followers
• 81% of Twitter users are following less than 100 people
• Thursday and Friday are the most active days on Twitter, each accounting for 16% of
total tweets in our study.
• 10-11 pm is the most active hour on Twitter, accounting for 4.8% of the tweets in an
average day.