Apps-olutely Crazy for Mobile Apps
September 18th, 2009
Great visual (click image for larger) of the Mobile App landscape this week on the mobile focused site, ismashphone – a daily blog focused on the iPhone covering News, App Reviews, and Tips/Hacks. Some of the more compelling stats from the visual include:
- 59% of mobile users (iPhone, iPod Touch, Android) download one paid app a month
- Over 50% of iPhone and Android users spend more than 30 minutes a day on apps
- Total monthly paid application market share is over 200 million dollars
- iPod Touch users download the most apps, iPhone users pay for the most apps
What’s the take away here? There is a market for targeting customers in the mobile space. As I wrote earlier this week, at some point this may be a consumer’s only connected device. Those that aren’t interacting with their target audience via this medium are missing a huge opportunity.