Tweet, oh Tweet – where are you coming from?
Survey says… The Web. I must admit, I am surprised by the report released by Rapleaf this week. They did their due diligence in establishing a large sample size (4M Twitter users) to provide an accurate assessment of how people are using the Twitter service and plethora of tools available to them. The statistic that surprises me the most is the amount of people (65%) that are still using the Web Site as their means of pushing their 140 character message out to their followers. With the variety of great tools out there to augment your Twitter experience like Twhirl and TweetDeck, I would think that more people would be leveraging those to streamline their Twitter activities. Not true. In fact, the second largest segment of the pie are people sending out their Tweets via text on their mobile phone. That begs the question – what do you use to Tweet?