Don’t forget ‘Old Media’ – it still works…
Clipped from FastCompany:
“A new study by Cornell researchers shows that traditional (old-media) news outlets lead the blogosphere by 2.5 hours when it comes to breaking news.”
What I found most interesting is the methodology with which the Cornell researchers used to make their case:
“Instead of examining a few case-study pieces of news and extrapolating the behavior of the different media outlets from these limited cases, it used a powerful algorithmic search. 1.6 million mainstream media and blog Web sites were analyzed in real-time, and to see how news propagated through them all specific phrases were sampled from each site and compared to see how they appeared elsewhere”
Excellent work – base an analysis on a significant amount of data, rather than a myopic view of a few sample pieces of news – I applaud this. It also shows a need to balance the two mediums rather than assume all breaking news lies solely in the ‘new media’ ecosystem.