Does your media agency meet your needs?
Being in the media business, this is a question that I get quite a bit – from peers, from vendors, and yes – from my agencies. Being any agency of record for Intel is not an easy task. We are a very demanding client and our pace of business is extremely fast. We are also very results oriented and measurement driven, something you would expect from an engineering based company. As a result we are accutely interested in the ROI of every campaign we launch. Today I came across an article on MediaPost that discussed how ad agencies need to evolve to better meet their clients needs and deliver a ROI-positive advertising approach. Below is the summarized list (not in priority order), the full article articulates the details behind each tenant. Personally – the two that matter most to me are #1 and #5 – both are top priorty for me as I work through campaigns with my agency partners.
1. Become partners with your clients
2. The creative talent must work hand-in-hand with the analytics team
3. Don’t think you have to sacrifice the brand on the altar of results
4. Members of the creative team should review and analyze results regularly
5. Include performance goals in the creative brief