
Posts Tagged ‘Social Responsibility’

Enthusiasm for ‘Causes’ – an update on Vote for a Cause

August 17th, 2009

Wow!  The response to our new Facebook program “Vote for a Cause” has been staggering. You, the community, have really taken to the challenge of nominating and voting for your favorite 501C-3 charitable organization.  We applaud you and encourage you to continue to nominate and vote.  Through the first week more than 10,500 members of the Facebook community have joined this effort and nominated more than 135 causes.  Nominees range from national charitable organizations such as the National Eating Disorders Association to those that are local to individual communities – which is the case for the Big Heart Ranch in Malibu, California.

We are in the first few days of nomination – please continue to do so through the application on Facebook so we can compile a healthy portfolio of deserving causes that will be in the selection set when voting begins on August 28th.  Good luck to those of you that have submitted nominations – I’ll be excited to see how many causes we can pull into the competition for the co-branded advertising winning prize.

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Vote for a Cause – brought to you by Intel

August 10th, 2009

I feel great about what my job allows me to do and experience most days.  Today I am especially proud to work at Intel.  Our team launched a program that will really make an impact via social change.  The program is on Facebook and is called ‘Vote for a Cause‘.  Our Fan Page officially launched today and is being promoted throughout Facebook’s media network.

The short description is that we have created an application (launching August 15th) that will allow every member of the Facebook community to nominate and vote for their favorite ’cause’.  The cause with the most votes at the end of September will receive up to $50k (USD) in co-branded (w/Intel) media on Facebook evangelizing and promoting their cause.  How cool is that?

We have very active philanthropic efforts here surrounding Corporate and Social Responsibility, but this effort is quite different than our corporate giving programs.  It’s not Intel choosing the way the advertising money is spent – it’s you, the community on Facebook, that will determine which cause is most deserving of the promotional dollars supporting their efforts.  I’m confident that the community will make a great choice in determining the final winner and the recipient of the co-branded advertising dollars.  In addition, I’m confident that cause will be very grateful for the extended exposure they will be getting as a result of the investment in their effort by Intel.  This will be one to watch – be sure to join our Fan Page and, starting August 15th – nominate and vote for your favorite cause.  The power of social media in affecting social change – made possible by Intel.

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