
Posts Tagged ‘Loyalty’

What’s YOUR Monthly Facebook Consumption?

January 13th, 2010

Are you average?  Because, if you are – you are viewing a staggering 662 pages on Facebook each month, according to a recent study done by Pingdom.  Facebook is the lead horse in the Social Networking race (but we’ve known that for a while). The differentiator for Facebook that sets them above the crop of Social Networking sites on the Web is two-fold.  Not only is their user base gigantic (larger than the entire population of the United States), but as the chart below (courtesy: Silicon Alley Insider) clearly shows – they are a very loyal lot as well.  Loyal not just to the destination on Facebook, but as WebProNews shows – it is also the largest generator of referral traffic to sites outside of…effectively matching the combined referral traffic generated by Google and Bing.  The moral?  Size matters….but so does commitment.  You’ve won if you have both.

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Rule #1 – listen to your customer

July 22nd, 2009

This is not a new rule by any means.  However, brands are becoming more and more aware that listening to their customers wants/needs is crucial if they are going to stand out in a sea of choices.  I’ve used this quote by Barry Judge in previous posts – it bears repeating:

You’re a part of the conversation, a part of what is being said about your brand.  You don’t get to tell customers what they get to think anymore

The video below, sent to me by my PR counterpart, Becky, illustrates this very simple tenant to a tee.  Distilling down to one key point, customers are relaying a very powerful messages to advertisers these days: “I’ve changed, and you haven’t – we don’t even hang out in the same places anymore“. 

Simple as that – advertisers and brands must recognize that their customers are interacting with their messages differently these days.  It’s not enough to raise the megaphone and simply talk TO your customers.  You have to be willing to engage with your customers on their terms, listen to what they are saying about your offering, and incorporate their input into your future interactions with them.  The successful brands recognize this and are engaged in a 2-way dialogue with their target audience – using that input to shape future brand experiences with that customer.  Those that don’t recogize the value of this input and the power of customer sentiment around their brand are doomed to fail.

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